Baltimore, the best place to do business.

Baltimore is centrally located in the Mid-Atlantic region, only 35 miles from Washington DC, 90 from Philadelphia, 180 from New York.

With convenient access via highways, ports, railroads, and an international airport, the city is a magnet for both residents and businesses alike, drawn to its exceptional connectivity and entrepreneurial opportunities.
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Two people in a warehouse working on a project together.

Why Baltimore?

Baltimore is one of the most educated metro regions in the U.S. The region generates a steady pipeline of talent for local businesses, with 2.8 million residents 1 and 10 nationally ranked universities educating over 100,000 students annually. Honoring the past, while keeping an eye on the future, the region is in the midst of change, with $6.6 billion of infrastructure and transformative developments underway.

Our Success Stories

Tia Hamilton


“I love having my business in Baltimore City because I know it has a direct impact on the community and I have partnerships with organizations here that help me make that impact.”

Tia Hamilton

“I love having my business in Baltimore City because I know it has a direct impact on the community and I have partnerships with organizations here that help me make that impact.”

Chris Mfume


"Our favorite place to play, is the affordable mixed-income, middle-income area. That's our specialty. I believe that the growth of that middle bracket inside city boundaries can provide the growth helps us accomplish impactful missions, things like recreation centers, vibrant retail corridors while meeting our city's affordable housing needs.

Delali Dzirasa


"What I love about Baltimore is, it's a space where, if you want to make an impact, you just have to roll up your sleeves and do it. As long as you're authentic, people will embrace you and support you. I felt that from day one. Baltimore has tremendous assets, we're in the middle of Fort Meade and Aberdeen Proving Grounds and have world-class education, financial and healthcare institutions."

Ayeshah Abuelhiga


"Baltimore is a great place to have a business because real estate is affordable and steady. If you're a small business and you're looking to grow, you need a stable environment where you know what your rent is going to be and what the labor market looks like."

Trevor Pryce


"I think the big attraction in Baltimore is that it’s a field of dreams. If you’re thinking about coming here, you will find more support than anywhere else because the ‘want to’ is so high. This city is always looking for the next great thing."

Tia Hamilton


“I love having my business in Baltimore City because I know it has a direct impact on the community and I have partnerships with organizations here that help me make that impact.”

Latest News

A long-vacant downtown Baltimore building is set for transformation into a $26 million mixed-use development featuring affordable housing. "Sojourner Place at Park" will redevelop six properties at Fayette and Liberty streets, announced the Baltimore Development Corporation today with WMAR 2. The city's Board of Estimates approved the project, paving the way for nonprofit developers HCH Real Estate Co. and Episcopal Housing Corp. to break ground by mid-2025. The 48,000-square-foot development will include one-bedroom apartments and ground level retail, revitalizing a corner near CFG Bank Arena after years of failed redevelopment efforts. Read the full story on the BBJ or Baltimore Fishbowl.


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Sojourner Place at Park Receives Board of Estimates Approval

A long-vacant downtown Baltimore building is set for transformation into a $26 million mixed-use development featuring affordable housing. "Sojourner Place at Park" will redevelop six properties at Fayette and Liberty streets, announced the Baltimore Development Corporation today with WMAR 2. The city's Board of Estimates approved the project, paving the way for nonprofit developers HCH Real Estate Co. and Episcopal Housing Corp. to break ground by mid-2025. The 48,000-square-foot development will include one-bedroom apartments and ground level retail, revitalizing a corner near CFG Bank Arena after years of failed redevelopment efforts. Read the full story on the BBJ or Baltimore Fishbowl.


Canton’s OneDo Coffee Roasters will expand to Rash Field Park in spring 2025

“We are proud to welcome OneDo Coffee Roasters to Rash Field, a valuable amenity addition that will undoubtedly enhance the park experience for local families and visitors alike,” said Dan Taylor, Managing Director of Business and Neighborhood Development at the BDC, in a statement. “This partnership highlights BDC’s continued role in the Inner Harbor’s evolution, our commitment to the ongoing development and revitalization of Rash Field Park, and our unwavering support for local minority-owned businesses.”


Governor Moore Announces Support for New Cable Manufacturing Facility in Baltimore

“Hellenic Cable’s decision to select Wagner’s Point as the location of its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is a testament to our thriving business environment and our commitment to encouraging innovative companies to continue to choose Baltimore City,” said Baltimore Development Corporation President and CEO Colin Tarbert. “BDC is proud to play a pivotal role, serving as a one-stop shop for Hellenic during the site selection process, and will continue to provide informed guidance as the project moves forward.” Read the full article on CityBiz.


Age-old question: Where they gonna park?

Colin Tarbert, the BDC president and CEO, responded to my question about parking at Harborplace:

“The administration understands that the plan does not include onsite structured parking [a parking garage]. This is consistent with the Zoning Code, which, like many large cities, does not require parking for new downtown developments..." "Ultimately, the market will determine if connected parking is needed to lease apartments or office space. However, the trend has been a decline in the need to build parking...", read more about the interview on Baltimore Sun Columnist Dan Rodricks' blog.


Baltimore Seeking New Identity for the Historic CBD

Alarm over the state of the historic central business district is not new, said Colin Tarbert, president and CEO of the Baltimore Development Corporation. In a recent article from the Maryland Daily Record Tarbert said, “I’ve seen the traditional central business district turning into much more of a mixed-use residential neighborhood for some time now.” The BDC and our stakeholders remain hopeful about the future of Downtown.


CityBiz interview with TEDCO's Chief Development and Marketing Officer Tammi Thomas

Great news! Colin Tarbert, CEcD, President and CEO of the Baltimore Development Corporation, was recently interviewed by TEDCO's Chief Development and Marketing Officer Tammi Thomas. In the interview, Collin discussed BDC's efforts to foster economic growth in Baltimore through business retention, expansion, and attraction, while promoting investment and enhancing career opportunities for residents. To watch the full interview and learn more about BDC's initiative, visit TEDCO website here.



"That’s our primary mission – to see investment across the city, not just in downtown, but in neighborhoods. And we want to make sure that the economic growth that happens in Baltimore city is something that benefits all Baltimoreans,” Tarbert explained, read about the conversation here on TEDCO's website or watch here.


BDC Recommends The City Sell 7 East Redwood

The agency’s Board of Directors voted to recommend to Mayor Brandon Scott that the city move ahead with plans to sell the 21-story building. The 184,000-square-foot building dates from 1924, that it originally served as headquarters for First National Bank in Baltimore, and that the city acquired it from Legg Mason. “This building isn’t only gorgeous – it’s a canvas for innovation in our thriving cityscape,” said BDC Executive Vice President, Kim Clark. Read about it in Baltimore Fishbowl's coverage.


Made In Baltimore Store Featured Live on FOX 45 and WJZ!

Discover unique products and support local artisans at the Made In Baltimore Store at Harborplace. This month the MIB Store at Harborplace was featured in four different live segments on Fox 45 and WJZ. Click here to see one of MIB's certified businesses, Earth Elements Soapworks by Kellie Martin on WJZ.


Harborplace heading to the desk of Mayor Brandon Scott

"...The project has followed atypical process for large projects that has also included a more “robust” public engagement element." says Colin Tarbert, CEO and President of BDC, as the the Harborplace legislative package is heading to the desk of Mayor Brandon Scott. Read about the recent City Council approvals in the Baltimore Banner.


Made in Baltimore Store Reopens

After a successful holiday shopping season at Harborplace the Made in Baltimore store will reopen in the same location on Friday, Feb. 23. Read Baltimore Fishbowl's coverage.


ETC's new Executive Director

Arti Santhanam takes over on Feb 1, 2024 and will be tasked with implementing a new strategic plan and exploring a future venture studio format for Baltimore’s longest-standing entrepreneurial incubator. Read about it in


New Board Members

BDC adds three new members to its Board of Directors -- Carim Khouzami, Shelonda Stokes, and Dr. Mohan Suntha.  Read the Baltimore Business Journal story.
